5 Quick Tips To Save Money

Review your miscellaneous spending this month and find ways to cut back. Try to give up a subscription you don’t really need, brown-bag it to work another few times a week and skip the gym membership by getting your workout at home. Small purchases add up quickly!

Fast food is super convenient — and expensive. It’s not that great for your health, either. Try to slow down on your fast-food purchases this month by thinking ahead. Keep some snacks in the car to help tide you over when you’re pulling a late night and have some drinks on hand as well. Save time, calories and money by putting the brakes on your fast-food purchases.

It’s time to get your house ready for winter! As you weather-strip your home and check for air leaks, look for exposed pipes as well. If you find any, wrap and insulate them carefully so they don’t freeze up when the temperatures fall. A few minutes of your time now can save you the hassle and cost of fixing burst pipes in the dead of winter.

Give your car the care it deserves by getting it a routine service check this month. You’ll possibly catch any developing issues before they become major, and add years of life to your vehicle. You may even get better fuel mileage by making sure everything is in proper working order.

Putting aside money each month to use for some vague purpose sometime in the future can be super challenging. Make it easier by creating a spectacular goal for your savings. Is there a dream vacation you’d love to take? Maybe you’re hankering after an RV or a new entertainment system. Write down your secret dream and figure out exactly how much money you need to make it happen. Then, set up an automatic monthly transfer from your Destinations Credit Union checking account to your savings account to make it even easier. Start your savings momentum today!

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